Our efforts are focused on attracting customers first of all. At the second stage, we try to hook the client and make him a friend of our brand. Here are 4 popular engagement techniques.

№1 Blogging

Bloggers are now the most influential persons. People know them, follow them and trust them. Brands want to leverage this trust.

When choosing a blogger, you should understand what you are advertising and what is the geography of your product. Maybe you shouldn’t pay for advertising to a blogger with a diamond button, but choose a local influencer. What is important for coffee shop from a small city in central Europe? Obviously, client have to knows that drinks coffee in a place where the famous person from his city goes. He or she feels that he belongs to the city get-together.


Mobile Application

Use mobile application if it possible. It can be online ordering of meal or cab, company’s news, or a workout planner if you sell healthy foods.

There are 3 main steps to develop Mobile App. You should determine cases when App have to used by customers, shareholders, employees ans so on. Then development team design the key functionalities and user interface. And the last one is development the back-end Integration.

№3 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Solutions with Social CRM are successful in many cases. Social CRM is the use of social media to manage brand interactions with the customers and build long term relationships. Customers initiate the communications with inbound inquiries through social media. Advantage of CRM is 24/7 regime.

№4 Gamification

Powerful method to increase customer engagement is Gamification. One use game principles in ordinary life. Gamification is used as part of loyalty programs. This approach takes advantage of people’s desire to compete and be winners. Surely you yourself or someone you know collected chips for a knife at a discount. How much junk did you buy?

Gamification has long been part of the first three techniques. However, all 4 techniques can exist separately or complement each other, while enhancing the effect of customer engagement.